Book Reviews

This book has just been given the esteemed title of being Indie Reader Approved by top industry professionals and considered by them to be “not merely a great indie book—but a great book, period.”

Midwest Book Review

“The madness of life can sometimes be too crazy to believe. “Here’s to Not Catching Our Hair on Fire: An Absent-Minded Tale of Life with Giftedness & Attention Deficit- Oh Look! A Chicken!” is a memoir from Stacey Turis as she reflects on her journey through life which can’t decide if it’s chance or karma cursing her with interesting times. A personal story of trying to find acceptance and the efforts to belong, “Here’s to Not Catching Our Hair on Fire” is an excellent and much recommended pick for those looking for a memoir of life far from normal.”

Kirkus Reviews – The World’s Toughest Book Critics ℠


Turis’ memoir is a bright-side report from the dark side of attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder—also known as AD(H)D.

Although none of us really knows what “normal” is, we can usually spot “different” a mile away. Folks with AD(H)D are definitely different, with brains and bodies that operate according to their own rules. But what is AD(H)D, and why does it matter? Turis answers these questions frankly in this insightful, amusing glimpse into atypical intelligence. The work starts by presenting the harsh bottom line: “Families, marriages, jobs, relationships…they all display the scars from the battle that is AD(H)D. Nothing comes out unscathed—absolutely nothing.” Turis’ examples of this are so honest that the book is sometimes painful to read, but that serves its purpose. Folks afflicted with the syndrome will recognize themselves in Turis’ story and find comfort in her upbeat attitude, while “normal” people will gain knowledge toward understanding and accepting the “billion gifts and…gazillion heartaches” that go with AD(H)D. Readers unfamiliar with the condition will learn what all those letters mean. The title captures their essence, and from both title and subject one might expect the narrative to be jumpy. But, in fact, it flows smoothly through Turis’ ups and downs, with lucid descriptions of psychic states that most anyone can to relate to. At times the tone gets puerile, with an overabundance of references to body noises and excreta, salted with profanity. That aside, Turis’ voice is vivid and engaging and her content informative.  Turis speaks to anyone associated with AD(H)D and offers her life as illustration of how to succeed despite its burden. For Turis and her fellow sufferers, getting through daily rituals and social or career obligations is like climbing Mt. Everest during a tornado. She offers a model for how it can be done, loaded with laughter and sobered by tears.

A forthright, energetic memoir about AD(H)D.

Great book!, January 16, 2012

It’s great to finally read a book about ADHD that’s funny. Not saying that it’s always a funny thing, especially when you’re a parent of an ADHD kid (which I am), but it’s great to hear “this” side of things. I just downloaded the Kindle version today and I can’t stop laughing. GREAT read!

Love this book!, January 18, 2012

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I’am really enjoying this book and felt compelled to leave a review. I recommend this book to anyone that has ADHD/ADD or friends and family living with ADHD/ADD. Extrememly smart, funny and an all around well written book. Thanks for the laughs!!

Thank you X3, January 20, 2012

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I have been following Stacey’s blog and facebook page for several months. I have gone through several emotions since my “late” diagnosis. This book creates a window into her world and shows how adhd affects real life. It made me recognize even more things about me that are because of adhd. She kept the book completely engaging … uncomfortably REAL at some points, and funny, hopeful, and relaxing at other points. Keeping me (a doctor diagnosed person with adhd) engaged in a book, let alone finish it, is not an easy thing to do. I can not express how greatful I am to have found her blog!

Tortured and Triumphant, January 21, 2012

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As a fellow adult ADDer (although probably not with the accompanying giftedness the author possesses), this book rings loudly. Hurts, even. I have followed her blog on Facebook and enjoyed her humor, wit, insights and advice. But when one learns of the richness and challenges of her life story, one really sees the Superhero in her — and perhaps in oneself. A tortured and triumphant story, indeed. Especially for adult ADDers, read it and reap.

A MUST READ!!!, January 23, 2012

An awesome read for ANY adult, not just those who have had to overcome AD(H)D!! The way Stacey tells her story about living with both giftedness and AD(H)D is highly entertaining, comical and inspirational at the same time!! I can definitely guarantee some LOL moments as well as some moments that will bring tears to your eyes! Stacey’s story is one that is truly unforgettable! By the time you have finished, you will feel as though, you not only know her, but that you have made a new friend as well!

FANTASTIC!!!, January 26, 2012

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This review is from: Here’s to Not Catching Our Hair on Fire: An Absent-Minded Tale of Life with Giftedness and Attention Deficit – Oh Look! A Chicken! (Kindle Edition)

I am so glad I bought this! I honestly couldn’t put it down and ended up reading it start to finish in one day! For the first time in a long time I felt a little less lonely and a little less weird in a world full of “normal” people. It’s a crazy roller coaster ride through the author’s life. She takes you through the ups and downs that are so common with someone with AD(H)D. There is colorful language through out the book which may bother some, but I thought it made the book more real and believable. I laughed hard and even shed a few tears, sometimes in the same paragraph. I think that this should be a mandatory read for teachers and, well, anyone that works with kids. It would also be good for parents that have ADHD/ADD kiddos. You won’t regret it!

ADHD explained. A primer for “normal” people, January 27, 2012

Sean Vedell (Hamilton, ON Canada) – See all my reviews
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Stacey captures perfectly what it is like to have ADHD, both the pros and cons. I have ADHD and she’s the first person I’ve read who has been able to describe what it’s like, as if she’s inside my head. Her book both validates what I have to cope with every day and helps share that experience with those I spend my life with. An important read, especially for those of you who just don’t understand why we can’t simply focus. Highly recommended!

A must read!, January 31, 2012

This book is a must read for anyone who has ADHD or anyone who knows someone dealing with this. This book brought much needed insight into the life of ADHD and giftedness. I learned so much reading this book! This book will have you laughing one minute, crying the next. I could not put this book down and finished it in one day. As someone who suffers from ADHD, finishing a book EVER is an accomplishment. The author did an excellent job keeping the reader on the edge of their seat! I loved how deeply honest the author was in writing this book and am hoping she is working on the next book!

Funny, Entertaining, Informative and ….what are we talking about again?, February 1, 2012

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This review is from: Here’s to Not Catching Our Hair on Fire: An Absent-Minded Tale of Life with Giftedness and Attention Deficit – Oh Look! A Chicken! (Kindle Edition)

Stacey really has more then a gift. What a delight to read about someone else who is going through so many similar things and yet so different. She really brings the reader into her world of ADHD and Giftedness. Not only is she sharing some of her life experiences, which are sometimes hilarious and sometimes sad, but she is also encouraging others who are dealing with ADHD/Giftedness, not to be so hard on themselves.

This book is a must read for anyone with ADHD…or someone who always wanted to know more about it.

I hope this review….Hey, Look! A Chicken!

Finally….we’re not alone……….., February 10, 2012

ANYONE who has been diagnosed with AD(H)D and/or Giftedness, or whose children have been diagnosed with one or both, MUST read this book! As a mother who was diagnosed over 10 years ago with ADD, as well as my son over a year ago as being twice-exceptional, this book, and just Stacey herself, have helped me in learning about myself, and realizing that I am not a freak, and she has educated me in learning, and helping my son in dealing with his “gift”. She keeps it real, humorous, and constantly stimulating for all of her fellow AD(H)D’ers!!! You won’t be disapponted!!!!

Do NOT read this book unless:, February 16, 2012

chandeeregreen (NC United States) – See all my reviews
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– You deal with attention deficit disorder or giftedness or some other way of processing information that falls outside of one standard deviation from “average”
– Someone you loves deals with attention deficit disorder or giftedness or some other way of processing information…
– You know a little about attention deficit but are curious what it would be like to be inside one of “those” heads
– You could use a good belly laugh and are not averse to taking it at the expense of someone who is willing to tell too-crazy-to-be-fake stories on herself

One caveat. The first section of this book deals honestly with issues relating to domestic violence. There is still humor, but it is dark and appears in the context of some decidedly unfunny stories. There is nothing either maudlin or saccharine about the childhood memories recorded, but they are brutally honest and transparent. So – if you are just reading this for the belly laugh, you may prefer to start at section two.

Thanks for helping me understand!, February 17, 2012

I read this book because I wanted to try to better understand my grandson who is a 2e child (twice-exceptional, gifted/ADHD). By reading about Stacey’s life, I have a better understanding of how this child’s mind works. What a great resource this book has been for me! I always knew he was an awesome kid but I just didn’t really always “get” him. Now I do. I look forward to him growing up and seeing what kind of a unique man he will be and all the wonderful things he will do with his life. I already see a lot of Stacey in him and it’s comforting to know that maybe one day he’ll be able to handle his crazy life with the same kind of humor and insight that she does. Thanks, Stacey, for helping to open my eyes. I, too, look forward to your next book!

Now I know what my problem is!, March 3, 2012

Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: Here’s to Not Catching Our Hair on Fire: An Absent-Minded Tale of Life with Giftedness and Attention Deficit – Oh Look! A Chicken! (Kindle Edition)

I could have been reading about myself – it’s nice to know that ADD isn’t strictly for kids! I loved this book – it flowed like the mind of someone easily distracted (which is probably why I enjoyed it so much!)The author has a way with words which made me root for her to be successful in her various endeavors, and understand her when she lost interest and moved on to the next challenge. Anyone with a loved one with ADD or ADHD should read this – it will give them a rare understanding of how the ADD mind works.

very enjoyable, very relatable, March 6, 2012

Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: Here’s to Not Catching Our Hair on Fire: An Absent-Minded Tale of Life with Giftedness and Attention Deficit – Oh Look! A Chicken! (Kindle Edition)

So enjoyable! I can relate to the author & her story in so many ways, from childhood forward. Perhaps one reason that I enjoyed this so much is because I feel a lot like it is “my story”, procrastination, pot smoking, & all 🙂 I found it very uplifting in that the author (again, like myself) accepts her issues & lives her life, not a touch of “poor me” in sight. I found it so great that I am somewhat sad that I do not personally know Ms. Turis. Thank you for sharing.

She was reading it to me!, March 7, 2012

The distractions of my SAHM life did not distract me as I poured through Stacey’s book. I would have finished it in 3 days but I forgot that I had the book one day, so missed out on reading time that day! Because I have met and gotten to know Stacey over the last 3 years, it was such a neat experience to read her book. I felt like she was personally reading it to me! The stories were funny and heartbreaking, but gave so much insight into the ADHD brain, making it easier to understand the reasons for the quirks I find in myself even! I would definitely recommend this book to someone wanting a more entertaining read about the ADHD brain.

energetic memoir, March 14, 2012

This review is from: Here’s to Not Catching Our Hair on Fire: An Absent-Minded Tale of Life with Giftedness and Attention Deficit – Oh Look! A Chicken! (Kindle Edition)

I am another reader who related to Ms. Turis and found her memoir very interesting, funny, and poignant. The story of her arrest toward the end of the book had me laughing aloud in the coffee shop as I read. She doesn’t feel sorry for herself or spend her life searching for ways to be more “normal” — she accepts her differently-wired brain and surrounds herself with people who appreciate her gifts rather than being exasperated by her challenges. The book does tend to wander off into tangential stories, as you might expect of an author with ADHD, but Ms. Turis manages to bring everything back together eventually. It may not be the most polished memoir you’ll ever read, but I bet it will be one of the funniest.

H. Mattila – My manhood takes another blow as I realize, that a 30-something woman captures my feelings, experiences and attitude towards life better than Hemingway and Fante put together. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard!

One response to “Book Reviews

  • Annie Nugent

    I started to read the kindle sample on line through amazon today. Now I am having a next to horrible time getting the images out of my head of that Nazi control freak sicko and what he did to you and your brother. My empathy gift is so strong sometimes that I get so depressed, pissed off not sure now if I can read more of it. What the f$#k what your mom thinking by not defending you against this sick bastard? Sorry to say that about her not my place to say things about a persons mom.
    I can relate to you Stacy in so many ways and love your facebook page. Thank you for being so candid about embracing ADHD as a gift and not a disorder of the month. Annie

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